Simplify PDF to Word conversion with Armony Solution and IFS

In our "Happy Customer Success Stories" series, we highlight our customers' success stories with Armony Solution. Today, we present a case study illustrating how we met a real-life challenge to simplify the conversion of PDF files into Word documents, directly from the IFS system.

Project background :

One of our customers faced a major obstacle: the need to convert PDF files into Word documents from within IFS. The IFS system, although powerful, could only generate PDF files. To make changes to these documents, an additional solution was required.

The main challenge of this application was to secure this conversion to prevent fraudulent actions, such as the conversion and modification of sensitive documents like invoices.

The Armony Solution

To meet this need, we used the Forms and Data modules inArmony Solution. Our aim was to provide a simple, effective and accessible solution for all users, without requiring advanced technical skills.

To this end, we have set up a form that can be accessed from IFS, allowing a fluid conversion from PDF to Word with a simple drag-and-drop operation. What's more, we've integrated conversion module directly in the browser to guarantee an optimal user experience.

To prevent unauthorized use of the form, we have implemented a metadata security system:

    • Adding metadata When PDF documents are generated, security metadata is added.
    • Metadata verification Before converting from PDF to Word, the interface checks for the presence of this metadata. If they are present, conversion is authorized; if not, it is blocked.


Armony Solution has enabled our customer to achieve time savings while considerably simplifying the document conversion and modification process. Concrete benefits include:

    • Time savings PDF-to-Word conversion takes just seconds, with no complex intermediate steps.
    • Accessibility All users, whatever their technical skills, can use this tool.
    • Security : Sensitive documents remain protected thanks to metadata-based security.

In short, this success is a testament to the power of Armony Solution, which enabled our customer to easily and securely convert PDF files into Word documents, improving their operational efficiency and satisfaction. Our commitment to providing effective solutions tailored to customer needs is reflected in our simplification of complex tasksoffering substantial efficiency gains and significant business process improvements.