In computing, API stands for Application Programming Interface. An API can be summed up as an IT solution that enables applications to communicate with each other and exchange services or data.
Un algorithme est une suite d’instructions clairement définies permettant à un ordinateur d’exécuter une tâche spécifique. Comme une recette de cuisine, il suit des étapes précises pour toujours aboutir au même résultat, quelles que soient les circonstances.
BAW (Business At Work) is a management consulting and digital transformation company. It specializes in assisting companies with their transformation projects, focusing on improving performance and implementing innovative solutions. BAW operates in a variety of sectors, including financial services, industry, energy, telecommunications and public services.
BAW is one of oOTARY's largest partners. To find out more about our partnership, please visit our Partner page !
Business Intelligence (BI) represents a set of technologies, processes and tools that help companies collect, analyze and present data to make informed business decisions.
By using BI tools, companies can transform raw data into actionable information, enabling them to better understand their performance, spot market trends, forecast opportunities and risks, and optimize their operational processes.
BI often includes elements such as data warehouses, data analysis tools, interactive dashboards and customized reports.
Big Data refers to all the digital data produced by the use of new technologies.
These data sets are so voluminous that traditional data processing software simply can't handle them. But these huge volumes of data, combined with ever-increasing storage capacities and increasingly sophisticated real-time analysis tools, now offer unparalleled possibilities for exploiting information.
Blockchain is a technology that enables information to be stored and transmitted transparently, securely and without a central control body. It resembles a large database containing the history of all exchanges between its users since its creation.
Business Intelligence (BI) is the technological process of analyzing data and presenting information to help executives, managers and other end-users make informed business decisions.
In web design, a "card" is a rectangular container for related information, such as an image, text and links linked to a single topic.
In a SQL database, a foreign key is a means of linking two tables together. It takes the form of one or more columns in one table which are used to point to the same column(s) in another table.
Le CRUD est un acronyme qui désigne les quatre opérations de base pour manipuler des données dans une base de données ou une application :
Ces opérations sont essentielles en développement web et en gestion de bases de données, notamment avec les API REST et les bases SQL ou NoSQL.
Digital Asset Management (DAM) is a technical and organizational system dedicated to managing a company's digital assets.
It manages, stores and makes available a wide range of digital content (videos, advertising creatives, photos, etc.) used by marketing teams, distributors, the press, subsidiaries and much more.
A Data Warehouse is a relational database hosted on a server in a Data Center or in the Cloud. It collects data from a variety of heterogeneous sources, with the main aim of supporting analysis and facilitating the decision-making process. In terms of integration with existing data systems, the Data Warehouse is based on the ETL (Extract, Tranform, Load) process, which enables data to be loaded from different applications.
An Easter Egg is a fun, stimulating feature representing a word or phrase hidden in digital media.
Whether in a line of code, in video game images or in music, humans have always enjoyed hiding words or objects.
For example, Google has implemented several hidden tools in its search engine to stimulate the customer experience: Google Pac-Man, Blink HTML, DART Mission.
Desktop publishing encompasses all the activities and resources required to automatically produce documents for a company or organization.
ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) is software that helps companies manage their day-to-day operations, such as accounting, projects, human resources and manufacturing.
ETLs (Extract, Transform, Load) are essential tools that have a significant impact on the world of data.
They are responsible for retrieving data from different sources, modifying it to ensure compatibility, and then transferring it to a final destination, usually a data warehouse.
They guarantee data integrity, accuracy and consistency, while preserving the security and confidentiality of sensitive information.
Used in diverse sectors such as marketing, finance, healthcare and e-commerce, they are a fundamental element of modern data management.
Un EAM (Enterprise Asset Management ou gestion des actifs d’entreprise en français) est un système permettant de gérer l’ensemble du cycle de vie des actifs physiques d’une organisation. Il englobe la planification, l’acquisition, l’exploitation, la maintenance et le renouvellement des équipements afin d’optimiser leur performance, leur disponibilité et leur rentabilité.
Un EAM repose souvent sur un logiciel qui centralise les données des actifs, intègre des outils de maintenance préventive et prédictive, et assure la conformité aux réglementations. Il est largement utilisé dans les secteurs industriels, les infrastructures, l’énergie et les transports.
Un ESM (Enterprise Service Management, ou Gestion des Services en Entreprise en français) est une approche qui étend les principes de l’ITSM (IT Service Management) à l’ensemble des services d’une organisation. Il vise à améliorer l’efficacité, la collaboration et la gestion des demandes au sein des différents départements (RH, finance, facilities, service client, etc.).
Un logiciel ESM permet de centraliser et d’automatiser la gestion des services grâce à des workflows, des portails en libre-service et des outils d’analyse. L’objectif est d’optimiser les processus internes, d’améliorer l’expérience des employés et de réduire les coûts opérationnels.
Un FSM (Field Service Management, ou Gestion des Services sur le Terrain en français) est un système qui permet d’optimiser la planification, l’exécution et le suivi des interventions des équipes travaillant en dehors des locaux de l’entreprise (techniciens, inspecteurs, agents de maintenance, etc.).
Un logiciel FSM facilite la gestion des ordres de mission, l’affectation des ressources, le suivi en temps réel des interventions, ainsi que la gestion des stocks et de la facturation. Il intègre souvent des technologies comme la mobilité, le GPS, l’IoT et l’intelligence artificielle pour améliorer la productivité et la satisfaction client.
Electronic Document Management (EDM), or Electronic Management of Information or Existing Documents (GEIDE)This covers all the techniques used to manage the flow of documents into, out of and within a company.
GPT stands for Generative Pre-training Transformera deep learning language model (a segment of machine learning) developed by OpenAI. It is a deep neural network based on the technique of automatic natural language processing. (NLP in English)which has been trained with over 175 billion parameters. Their algorithm can generate text autonomously, in response to a user query. GPT is capable of answering questions, writing essays, producing text summaries, translating content, adapting it to different writing styles, and even writing computer code.
Le hardware, or computer equipment, fait référence aux composants physiques des systèmes informatiques, tels que les processeurs, les cartes graphiques et la mémoire. Afin d’optimiser les performances des modèles d’intelligence artificielle, certains fabricants ont développé des matériels spécialisés pour accélérer les traitements IA. Ces composants, comme les unités de traitement graphique (GPU) ou les circuits intégrés spécifiques (ASIC), sont conçus pour traiter des tâches complexes, offrant ainsi des gains de performance importants dans des applications comme la reconnaissance d’images ou le traitement du langage naturel.
A Help Desk is a company's support and assistance service, designed to resolve problems encountered by users of a service or product. It also exists on in-house platforms, used in the form of tickets.
HTML language (HyperText Markup Language)HTML is a type of computer language that tells the browser how to display a web page. The human writes HTML code in a text editor, and the machine understands and interprets the language to render the result on the screen when the web page is opened.
The IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is a tool that helps developers write and test their code. It usually includes a text editor, code debugging tools and other useful features.
IFS (Industrial & Financial System) is a software company specializing in ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), EAM (Enterprise Asset Management) and FSM (Field Service Management) solutions. IFS offers software for operations management, finance, human resources and supply chain management.
IFS is one of oOTARY's largest partners. To find out more about our partnership, please visit our Partner page !
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a field of computer science that aims to create programs capable of mimicking the intelligence and cognitive abilities of a human.
AI uses algorithms and complex mathematical models to collect and analyze databases, and make automatic decisions based on the trends identified. It is used in many fields, including image recognition, speech recognition, natural language processing, medicine and finance.
Since the beginning of 2023, artificial intelligence has been in the spotlight. We're hearing more and more about AI text generators (like ChatGPT), AI image generators and AI voice generators...
The Internet of Things (IoT) is an evolving, interconnected network of physical devices capable of collecting and exchanging data thanks to embedded sensors.
It facilitates communication between devices, enabling advanced automation and a better understanding of our environment, from smart homes to connected cities.
With IoT, you can monitor, analyze and optimize systems in real time, ensuring maximum performance and enhanced security for your connected devices.
Information technology (IT), or IT for "information technology", also known as a computer system, refers to the technical field of information processing, often in a professional context.
Information technology covers a wide range of techniques and tools for creating, using, modifying, transmitting and storing information from different media (video, text, audio, images, etc.).
In economics, a "unicorn" is a company in the new technologies sector, not listed on the stock exchange, with a valuation of at least one billion dollars.
Low Code" is an application development method that uses graphical interfaces and configurations, reducing the need for traditional coding. Examples of Low Code platforms include OutSystems, Appian and Microsoft PowerApps.
Machine learning is a sub-category of artificial intelligence that enables computer programs to learn autonomously, without having been specifically programmed to do so. Machine learning algorithms use mathematical models to analyze large databases and discover patterns and correlations. The more recurring patterns they uncover, the more they fine-tune their predictive models and improve their performance.
Machine learning is closely linked to Big Data, as these programs need large amounts of data to learn and develop. Machine learning is used in many applications, such as fraud detection, product recommendations and autonomous cars.
The etymology of the metaverse gives us an idea of its definition: the term comes from the contraction of "meta" meaning "beyond" and "universe".
The metaverse is an entirely virtual space, parallel to our own. It's an immersive, collective and shared 3D artificial universe in which users evolve and interact through avatars, just as they would in real life. The metaverse is based on augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) technologies.
Middleware is intermediate software that facilitates communication between different applications, services or IT systems.
It can transform data, ensure security and manage transactions (it is generally used in banking systems, telecommunications networks and industrial systems).
Mobile device management, MDM (Mobile Device Management)is a management domain that manages the deployment, security, monitoring, integration and administration of mobile devices, such as smartphones, tablets and laptops, in the workplace.
The aim of MDM is to optimize the functionality and security of mobile devices within the enterprise, while simultaneously protecting the corporate network.
Data migration is the process of transferring data from one system (or source) to another. This may involve moving data between different databases, applications, servers or file formats.
Its main objective is to guarantee continuity of operations and the preservation of data integrity when a change of infrastructure or system is required. This handling can be carried out manually or automatically, using specific tools and techniques to ensure that data is transferred efficiently, securely and accurately.
Soft migration is a method specific to oOTARY via Armony Solution.
It consists in transferring data from an IFS APPS environment (or another ERP) to IFS Cloud. It will therefore enable data recovery:
When we talk about AI, we're often referring to "artificial intelligence". artificial intelligence models. These models are computer systems that learn to solve problems by analyzing large quantities of data. Unlike algorithms, which follow strict rules, AI models, such as those used for image recognition or machine translation, improve over time according to the information they process.
IT monitoring is also known as IT surveillance. Its aim is to ensure the availability and performance of infrastructures, equipment, software and processes supporting data.
With this monitoring system, it is possible to detect malfunctions or potential malfunctions at an early stage.
The concept of no code refers to a software development method that hides the complexity of the application's source code. No-code development tools combine different techniques:
In a network, a node is a connection point that can receive, create, store or send data.
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is a computerized process for extracting data from documents using character recognition.
Using algorithms, OCR identifies characters in the image and converts them into plain text, making it easier to edit, search and analyze this data.
On-premises, ou encore « sur site » en français, signifie que le logiciel d’une entreprise est hébergé sur son propre matériel, soit loué dans un espace du centre de données, soit installé localement dans ses propres locaux.
Open Data stands for free access to data. This data is commonplace, and allows anyone to use royalty-free information.
Examples of open data include the official zip code database and the national directory of associations.
There are three rules for using royalty-free information: availability, re-use and universal participation.
Product Information Management (PIM) is a technology for centralized management of product information, to ensure efficient and accurate distribution of this information. A PIM centralizes access to data, and provides automated interfaces for data maintenance and consumption (imports, exports, media production, etc.).
A software package is a set of complete, documented programs created to be supplied to several users for common use of the application or function.
The Prompt is a short text that you type to instruct the artificial intelligence to obtain an image or text. To obtain an interesting result, you need to specify your prompt. For example, if you want an image of a hairy seat in the shape of a banana, your prompt would be: "hairy seat in the shape of a banana". You can specify the style "70s design", or the color "pink", and all these elements will be added to your prompt.
Augmented reality (AR) is a technology that superimposes digital content, such as images, videos or textual information, onto a real environment, often through the use of a mobile device, glasses or headset.
Augmented reality enables users to see and interact with virtual objects in a physical context, in real time, creating an immersive and enriched experience. This technology is used in many fields, including video games, advertising and logistics, to facilitate decision-making and speed up processes.
Virtual reality (VR) is a technology that enables users to immerse themselves in a totally virtual space, with no link to their real environment, using a headset or special glasses.
It creates a simulation of a 3D artificial world that can be interactive and responsive to movement. Users can turn their heads 360 degrees around, move around in space, and sometimes interact with the environment using special joysticks. In particular, the metaverse uses virtual reality to create virtual worlds.
Virtual reality is often used in applications such as video games, vocational training, simulation of dangerous situations, behavioral therapy and even artistic creation.
Reporting, translated into French data communication, makes it possible to stage data retrieved over a desired period, and clearly present the data collected over the period so that it can be analyzed and exploited by third parties.
It enables periodic reporting of performance indicators.
Reporting is a system of verified and verifiable data. It contains real data that has been collected and sorted beforehand.
Software as a service (SaaS) is a model for distributing software via the cloud.
Customers do not pay a license fee for a version, but use the online service freely or, more generally, pay a subscription fee.
There are many reasons why companies benefit from adopting SaaS Cloud solutions: improved efficiency, increased cost savings and scalability, remote access to services and automatic updates.
In the web domain, a "script" is a computer program that executes a function when a web page is displayed or a user action is performed.
The SMB (Server Message Block) is a network protocol used to share files, printers and other resources between computers on a network.
It enables applications on one computer to read and write to files on another computer on the same network or on a local area network (LAN). Originally developed by IBM and Microsoft, SMB is widely used in Windows environments, but is also supported by other operating systems such as Linux and macOS.
SQL (Structured Query Language) is a language used to interact with databases. It is used to extract, modify, delete and create data.
The SQL Query model is a request made to a database using SQL language. For example, to request all sales of a specific product.
A super app is a portal application that brings together a multitude of services and functionalities (from different brands or not) on a single platform. These mini-applications, developed specifically to integrate this super app, can range from ordering food, to paying bills, booking train tickets, online shopping, and so on.
Super apps deliver a seamless user experience by eliminating the need to download several separate applications to accomplish all these tasks. The best-known super app is China's WeChat.
The supply chain is defined as the chain that links the supplier's supplier to the customer's customer.
In practical terms, it's a chain that brings together a number of professionals and tries to make them work together as effectively as possible. The supply chain refers to the management of the logistics chain that ensures the smooth running of a company. It is this management of tasks and flows (information or product) which enables it to control the production and supply of its product (from supplier) and to meet its commitments in terms of time and cost (with the customer).
The operating system is the main software on a computer that manages the hardware, launches applications, etc. Examples include Windows, macOS and Linux.
Un système IA est une application plus large qui englobe non seulement les modèles IA, mais aussi tout l’écosystème nécessaire à leur fonctionnement. Un système IA inclut des processus de collecte de données, des interfaces utilisateurs et l’infrastructure technique (serveurs, bases de données) pour déployer efficacement l’intelligence artificielle dans des environnements pratiques.
Par exemple, un assistant virtuel comme Alexa ou Siri est un système IA qui intègre plusieurs modèles pour comprendre la voix, analyser le langage naturel et générer des réponses en temps réel.
A TU (Unit Test) is a type of software development test that verifies that a small part of the code works as expected.
A transport management system (TMS, Transportation Management System) is a logistics platform that uses technology to help companies plan, execute and optimize the movement of goods, both inbound and outbound.
It also ensures that the shipment is compliant, and that the appropriate documentation is available. This type of system is often part of a larger supply chain management system. (SCM, Supply Chain Management).
A table SQL Server est une structure de stockage utilisée dans une base de données SQL Server pour organiser et gérer les données sous forme de lignes et de colonnes. Chaque table est composée de :
En résumé, une table SQL Server est un conteneur structuré permettant de stocker et d’organiser des données relationnelles au sein d’une base SQL Server.
UI (User Interface) means the way in which a software program or device is presented to the user, including the way in which the user interacts with it.
UX (User Experience) represents the overall experience a person has when using a product or service, particularly in terms of ease of use and satisfaction.
A webservice is an online communication interface that enables different computer systems to connect and exchange data in a standardized way. They are often based on standard communication protocols such as HTTP and XML, and can be used by different platforms and development technologies.
To understand Web3.0, you need to understand the first 2 versions:
- Web1.0: a version of the web in which users could simply read content, without being able to easily create their own.
- Web2.0, particularly social networking, has made it easy for everyone to produce and publish content, but most exchanges and data are hosted and controlled by the major platforms.
Web3.0 refers to a decentralized Internet, based on blockchain, which would enable people to read and create content while retaining ownership of their creations and personal data.
A Wizard is an interactive guide in software that helps you accomplish a specific task by guiding you through each step.
Workflow is the representation of a set of tasks required to complete a business process.
Not just tasks, by the way, but also the actors involved in their execution, whether or not they are software, applications, services, APIs, third-party processes and so on. As well as the various interactions that enable these actors to carry out said sequence of tasks.
There are 2 types of Workflow:
In both cases, workflow can be used to automate a process and/or align software with business needs.
WYSIWYG is short for "What you see is what you get". The term is used to describe an interface where the user sees the end result of his or her input directly.
The great strength of WYSIWYG software is its ease of use. These programs enable users to create content (web pages or complex documents) without any programming skills.
XML, or eXtensible Markup Language, is a markup language for structuring and storing data in a way that is readable by humans and machines.
It is widely used for data exchange over the Internet, thanks to its flexibility and compatibility with many systems.
XML is like a data construction tool, allowing you to define your own 'tags' to encapsulate different types of content. This makes data easily accessible and manipulable for various applications and services.
Used in fields such as database management, web services and even Office documents, XML is a cornerstone of modern IT architecture.
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